Arise Neuromuscular Fees
Regular Chiropractic Appointments
New Patient ($175)
Is pain limiting your ability to do what you like? Get started here.
60 minute appointment
Virtual option available (on-site preferred)
Follow-Up Appt. ($Variable)
Put your plan in to action. Check your progress, treat the appropriate areas, and progress your home exercises.
30 minute appointment
Remote Consultation ($75)
Check your progress with your clinician. Review or update your plan. Don’t let location keep you from progressing.
30 minute appointment
Chronic low back pain clients (especially those who have failed several clinical approaches in the past) should consider a full McGill Method Assessment. Read about it here.
Massage Therapy
60-Minute ($120)
Great as a standalone session or after a workout. Plenty of time to address total body and more specific focus areas.
60 minute appointment
Showers available on site if post-training
30-Minute ($80)
Similar to the 15 minute session. Great for expanding the focus on your key areas before or after a workout.
30 minute appointment
15-Minute ($50)
This shorter session is perfect just before or after a workout. Attention to 1 or 2 areas of need.
15 minute appointment
Longer Massage Times Available. Call for information.
Massage Establishment: MM41397
McGill Method Assessments
3-Hour McGill Assessment ($1100)
This is a full assessment of your low back pain as described here. For those who have failed several clinical approaches in the past.
3 Hour Assessment
Written Report
Video Recordings
60-Minute Follow-Up ($200)
For those seeking exercise reviews, additional coaching, or consultation on program progression.
Follow-Up assessment
Video Recordings
Introductory Call (Free)
If you are considering a McGill Method assessment, and would prefer to speak with Dr. Masucci before booking that appointment, please provide your details and he will contact you.
This is a 10-minute call
McGill Method - 3 Hour Fee Components
Service Fee: Administrative component, intake paperwork, appointment preparation.
Assessment Fee: Day of consultation, exam, and coaching with Dr. Masucci.
Written Report Fee: 3-hour assessments receive a written report of findings within 2 weeks of your appointment.
Video Recording Fee: Exercises and recommendations are tailored to the individual. You are welcome to video these, or one of our team can video for you.
Follow-Up Consultation: If further consultation is required, follow up appointments can be booked by the hour.